Twenty Pages to go May 31 2019
Twenty pages to go.
It is starting to be a regular occurrence which is either rather spooky or indicative of my reading habits. Every time I near the end of a book , well to be more precise when I have twenty pages left to read, I realize that I am already late and need to put the book aside and start getting ready for the appointment where I am due in a very short time..
There are the times when I need to be at a VERY IMPORTANT meeting and the book is so overwhelming that I am torn between my duty to attend the VERY IMPORTANT meeting or just follow my heart and finish the novel.
It is difficult and I realize as I get older and hopefully more mature I have come to
understand what is important in life.
The VERY IMPORTANT meeting or the book?
Truthfully there are always VERY IMPORTANT meetings . What is one more or one less in the life of a bookseller? Unless of course it is the accountant informing you that you have to stop buying mountains of books if you are ever to realize any kind of a profit.
Who would want to attend such a meeting that has the goal of making you feel more
miserable than you did before?
But oh those novels!
The last twenty pages are the best by far.
They sum up all your feelings and ideas. They are much more important than any meeting. The author has put his or hers heart and soul into the conclusion.
Who are we mere mortals to decide against giving the last twenty pages the time they deserve?
And so I have realized over time finishing the novel and perhaps even reading the last chapter yet again (could this author really have penned such a moving and literate last chapter?) is way more important than any meeting.
This is the time for honesty .
If I was late for our meeting it was probably the last few pages of the novel at fault.
I know you are important but sometimes the heart has to rule .
I do apologize.