I have just packed up another shop.

Albeit this is a temporary situation, it still required boxes and packing tape and able bodied men to help us move boxes of books.

And although it is only a pop up shop that I moved into so easily we managed to fill over 300 boxes.

And I love every one of those books. And they all deserve a place in my shop.

But why am I packing yet again?

Is this Karma ?

Is there a book demon somewhere who thinks I do not dust my shelves enough and need to be punished?

Are all those beautiful books just needing a change of scenery?
If that is all it is I am sure that my lovely customers would be delighted to adopt a few.

Was I a paper pulper in some past life or even worse someone who folded over corners of pages to act as a bookmark?

Or maybe I bent the spines out of recognition.

Or maybe I desecrated those beautiful covers by laminating them ( for protection? Shudder !!!)

As I sit here I realise that I haven’t really sat down in the last two days.

My back hurts.
My joints are begging for rest .

And so I am making my own special plea to the universe.

Please don’t make me pack a book shop again.

Until the next time...