Bookdealers Celebrate September 10 2016
It is an interesting phenomenon that most deals in the book trade are done over a particularly good meal and a glass or three of very nice wine.
Failing that we sit at a desk and gorge on an array of snacks that would put any caterer to shame.
As a result we are all quite rotund.
I look at some of the buyers who are skeletal and shake my head.
They just don’t get it.
I agree that a good book is food for the soul but there is the body as well and doing the two together... . well that is heaven.
So in true Bookdealers style when the eminent artist, lecturer and academic representative Chris Reinders asked if he could join forces in our Greenside shop we felt the need to celebrate the occasion with a party.
The artist Gordon Froud introduced Chris and did manage to mention his huge Alice in Wonderland collection supplied by the friendly Bookdealer Doron in Melville.
We set up a table of wine and food in the parking lot.
People arrived.
Books were bought.
Wine was consumed and fun was had.
Chris and his books have given a unique slant to our Greenside shop.
Pop in and have a look .
We may even have another party.