The Unknown Known October 26 2015
I learn so much from my customers
I love to discuss and review books that we have read.
Most of them are fellow bibliomaniacs and thus we have a lot in common.
Sometimes we do get carried away.
This is evident by the glazed look on their faces as they attempt to pay for their special book.
And so it happened that one of my customers told me about 'The Unknown Unknown' by Mark Forsyth.
'Bookshops and the delight of not getting what you wanted' .
I must admit I was already a fan of Mark Forsyth.
I adored the Etymologican and loved the Horologican.
After reading this essay I must admit to being truly smitten.
We think alike.
I choose the books for my customers so carefully.
When I recommend a book I recommend from my heart.
As he says
Half the art of book selling is about choosing what NOT to have in your shop.
We try.
The full price books we have in the stores are chosen with care and love.
They are few.
But they are the diamonds in the rough.
Pop in and try one.
It may change your life.