Bibliophiles and librarians have fun in the sun October 14 2015
It was the annual Johannesburg Public library sale and as usual the community minded Bookdealers were assisting with all credit card sales.
The sun was shining.
The books were set out and so began 2 days of buying and selling
And we bought ... and bought … and bought some more.
Boxes of books were selected.
Too many boxes of books were selected to tell the truth.
A car load was dumped at one of our nearby shops in order to make space for even more books.
The car was groaning with all the treasure (I am sure it was smiling inwardly as well)
I couldn't resist.
Every time I passed a table of books I found a few more.
And then later on Sunday afternoon (day 2) the books were reduced to R5 each.
Discretion flew out of the window.
This was a bargain not to be missed .
It was a heady time and I took advantage.
And now it is Monday …
and my arms ache from carrying all those books.
But it is worth it.
Now is the really exciting part.
Looking at he boxes and wondering why on earth I felt the need to buy a battered copy of the mystery of Edwin Drood because I liked the book plate.
The gentle madness strikes again.