Title: Voortrekker Argiefstukke 1829 - 1849
Author/s: H.S Pretorius, D.W. Kruger and C Beyers
Publisher: Staatsdrukker 1937
Condition: Very good. Bookplate of Frikkie Botha on the verso of the front cover. Botha was South African ambassador in Washington in the 70’s, and a collector of Africana. The covers are age worn and scuffed and rubbed. Corners are bumped. The block is slightly age discoloured. A good copy with clean, clear text.
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 444
Dimensions: 22 x 14.5 x 2.5cm.
SKU: AK0074
Weight: 0.6kg.
Price: R400.00