Off Peak ( Inscribed) The Discovery Everest Expedition Diary

R 93.00  

Author: Patricia Glyn
With Author's Inscription
Publisher: Tenacity Pub, Johannesburg (2003)
ISBN-10: 0620315393
ISBN-13: 9780620315395
Condition: Very Good
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 144
Dimensions: 24 x 16 x 1.5 cm

Weight: 0.4 kg
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Everest is famed for bringing out the best and the worst in people and as non-climber, Patricia witnessed it all. The intense struggles, the pent up frustrations, the egos, the pain of failure and finally the ecstasy of a dream fulfilled. Off Peak, is an engaging study of the foibles of human nature. Written with great wit and humour, the diary is interspersed with epic mountain stories and tales of heroes of old and chronicles Patricia's very personal journey to one of the bleakest spots on earth.

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