Final Postponement

R 87.00  

Subtitle: Reminiscences of a Crowded Life
Author: Cecil Margo
Publisher: Jonathan Ball (1999)
ISBN-10: 1868420825
ISBN-13: 9781868420827
Condition: As New 
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 298
Dimensions: 15.4 x 23.2 x 2 cm
Weight: 0.51 kg
We currently have 2 in stock.

The biography of the late Mr Justice Cecil Margo, judge of the Supreme (High) Court of South Africa, and a world-renowned aviation expert. He chaired many commissions of enquiry into aeroplane disasters, including the crash of the Helderberg and the aircraft carrying the late Samora Machel, president of Mozambique. A much-decorated bomber pilot, he joined the Bar after the war, and was appointed to the bench in 1971.

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