Conflicting Missions

R 125.00  

Subtitle: Havana, Washington, Pretoria
Author: Piero Gleijeses
Publisher: Galago (2003)
ISBN-10: 191985410X
ISBN-13: 9781919854106
Condition: As New
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 504
Dimensions: 24 x 16 x3 .5 cm
Weight: 0.96 kg
We currently have 3 in stock.

Conflicting Missions examines Cuban policy and history in Africa starting in the 1960's and culminating in the Cuban experiences in Angola during the 1980's - especially their clashes with the South African Defence Force in the south of the country. A very comprehensive account of the Cuban role in Africa backed up by extensive research. This is an important book for students of Southern African conflict as it gives the other side of the story. A must for anyone interested in the Bush War.

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