Title: A Century of Injustice: Synopsis of a Message to the People of South Africa, Sent by the Government of the South-African Republic. An Earnest Representation and Historical Reminder to her Majesty Queen Victoria ... In View of the Prevailing Crisis ...
Author/s: Jan Christiaan Smuts and Petrus Jacobus Joubert
Publisher: N/A
ISBN-13: 9781247383224
Condition: Very good. Facsimile reproduction of the original, dated 1899. There is slight wear to the edges and the covers are rubbed. The corners are bumped. Slight wear to the head and foot of the spine. The wrappers are slightly bowed. An all but unread copy. A well bound copy with clean text.
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 119
Dimensions: 25 x 19 x 0.5cm.
SKU: AK1754
Price: R150.00
Please see photos for synopsis and more details of the book