Title: Powell's Principles and Practice of the Law of Evidence [Eighth Edition]
Author/s: John Cutter and Charles F. Cagney
Publisher: Butterworth & Co. 1904
ISBN-13: N/A
Condition: Good to good only. Copy owned by South African advocate, Kings Counsel, and later Supreme Court Justice, Cecil Margo, with his name penciled in on the front free end paper. A well used copy. The hinges are shaken. Bookseller’s sticker on the front paste down. There is shelf wear to the edges. There is moderate wear to the top and bottom of the spine. The corners are bumped and the covers are rubbed, scuffed and stained. The block is age browned. An intact copy with clean text.
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 583
Dimensions: 22.5 x 15 x 4 cm.
SKU: AK3435
Price: R450.00
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