Title: Rekenkunde vir Skole in die Oranje-Vrystaa: Desimale Muntestelsel Uitgawe. Standerds VII en VIII
Author/s: G.F. Hugo, H.F. de Wet, A.P. Barnard
Publisher: Maskew Miller, undated
ISBN-13: N/A
Condition: Very good. Some few pencil annotations. The covers are slightly shelf worn to the edges. The corners are lightly bumped and the covers are rubbed. There is minor wear to the top and base of the spine. The spine is creased. A well bound copy with clean text.
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 72
Dimensions: 18 x 12.5 x 1m.
SKU: AK2502
Price: R120.00
Weight: 0.1 kg
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