Title: South African Police Standing Orders / Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie Staande Orders
Author/s: N/A
Publisher: Commissioner of the South African Police 1951
ISBN-13: N/A
Condition: Very good. Well used. Some annotations. Changes of the laws pasted in. A page of Nongqai relating to pensions pasted in on the rear paste down. There is some slight shelf wear to the edges. There is minor wear to the top and bottom of the spine. The corners are bumped and the covers are rubbed. The spine is slightly sunned and the hinges are shaken. An intact copy with clean text.
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 659
Dimensions: 25 x 16.5 x 5 cm.
SKU: AK3420
Price: R600.00
Please see photos for synopsis and more details of the book