Vibrant Emeritus - The Elder in the Twenty-First Century

R 57.00   R 268.00

Author: Richard Stuecker
Publisher: O Books (2014)
ISBN-10: 1782795898
ISBN-13: 9781782795896
Condition: As new
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 196
Dimensions: 21.6 x 14 x 1.4 cm

Weight: 0.2 kg
We currently have 1 in stock.

Enter the second half of your life journey with vibrancy, generativity, creativity and blessing! One's second half of life can be an amazing adventure of abundance, generativity, and deepening spirituality. Vibrant Emeritus: The Elder in the Twenty-First Century offers a path that embraces a view of life that counters the belief that one's "second journey" is one of dissipation and disappointment.

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