Title: Old Pretoria: Brief Story of the City's Voortrekker-Period/Ou-Pretoria: Sakelike Verhaal van die Stad se Voortrekker-Periode
Author/s: Gustav S. Preller
Publisher: Afrikaanse Kultuurraad 1938
ISBN-13: N/A
Condition: Very good for its age. Bilingual, reversible, Afrikaans/English text. Some shelf wear. The covers are rubbed with edges creased. Creasing to the covers. The spine is sunned and creased. Damage to the head and foot of the spine. A well bound copy with clean text.
Binding: Stapled softcover
Pages: 78 + 84
Dimensions: 21.5 x 14 x 1cm.
SKU: AK0900
Price: R150.00