New South African Review 3: The Second Phase – Tragedy or Farce?

R 73.00  

Editor's: John Daniel, Prishani Naidoo, Devan Pillay and Roger Southall
Publisher: Wits University Press (2013)
ISBN-10: 1868147355
ISBN-13: 9781868147359
Condition: As New
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 321
Dimensions: 24 x 17 x 2 cm

Weight: 0.6 kg
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In response to the continued inequality, poverty, and unemployment that have served to trigger rising working-class discontent around South Africa, the African National Congress announced a second phase of the “national democratic revolution” to deal with the challenges—all the while preserving the core tenets of the minerals-energy-financial complex that defined racial capitalism.

The chapters included in this third volume of the New South African Review, all written by experts in their fields, examine some of these challenges and indicate that they are as much about the defective content of the policies as their poor implementation. The essays address issues of politics, power, and social class; economy, ecology, and labor; public policy and social practice; and South Africa beyond its borders, providing in-depth analysis of the key

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